Fat Reducing Machine

Are you looking for a way to reduce the fat in your foods? I have the perfect thing for you the George Foreman grill. Special note: I'm not selling it at this site just telling you about it. I have one and it's great.

Example: I fried 6 slices of bacon and two link sausages in it.

Guess how much oil came out of 6 slices of bacon and 2 links of sausage. 1/4 cup of oil came out of those items.

Check at participating stores. I got mine at SEARS. WAL MART, KMART and other stories carry it also. There are two sizes (one that holds 4) and the other one that holds (2).

The large one is $59 dollars roughly but it's worth it. Trust me. Could save you a hospital bill!

Billy Cares. Trust me on this one. It's worth it. Comes with two trays to catch the oil.