Hi, My Name is Billy Thomas - I've lost 126 pounds.

I thought I would take the moment to introduce myself. What I hope to do with this page is help people lose weight and keep it off. My main goal right now is show people what I've done to lose it and keep it off. Some of it may be considered advertisement - I know of no other way to do it. Money is not my real intensions though. What I've done to lose weight are eat Healthy Choice TV Dinners, trim fat off of meat, cut out the fattening butter and sour cream, used counter books and more. Please view this site has a beginning stage of weight loss and not a site for advertising of products to make money. That's not my intension is to advertise to sell a product but to advertise what I did to lose weight and keep it off. It's true (honesty is the best policy) I do earn a 10% commission on books through but you do not have to buy from me. You can buy if you wish but that's not my main goal. My main goal is to help people lose weight and live healthy lifestyles. I know of no other way but advertise it. There is no other way to do it. All sites are a big advertisement - there is no such thing as a non advertisement site. Home Pages advertises what you like. I have kept my weight off since 1996 and I have followed what I've done on my website. It works but it's up to you to do what I did. If you follow what I've done on this site, you will be on your way to a healthy lifestyle.