Restoring Regularity the Safe Way

My Belief:

Well, since I changed my eating style I develped a problem with constipation. I think one of the problems is eating less and less trips to the bathroom. I know this is probably a personal topic but health is health and someone else might be having similar problems. When I weighed 300+ pounds, I was eating a lot of food (lots of food). I think the consumption of a lot of food maintained my regularity. I was eating enough to keep it pushed out of my body. When you diet, you tend to eat less food. Less food naturally means that you are not eating enough to push it out. The less trips you make the drier the stools become cause you are not eating enough to expell it. It stays in your colon until you have eaten enough to get rid of it. By this time though it has dried and you are constipated.

Remedies: Step by Step - Follow Please.

One time (one time only use of a laxative) - Exlax, or a natural vegetable tablet is the best. People who make Exlax and other laxative - sell the items individually - LISTEN TO ME - I'm not yelling at the reader but Exlax and other companies that make laxatives. Make a small package with no more than 4 tablet in there. This will prevent the problems with dependency.

  1. Exlax (Chocolate) - chew two chocolate tablets at bed time with a 10 oz glass of water - this will provide a gentle (while you sleep) reaction.
  2. In the morning - chew the other two chocolate tablets with a 10 oz glass of water.

After you have had a bowl movement, you next step is to stay regular. That night (the night following the morning choclate laxative) take metamucil (fiber therapy) with 10oz glass of water followed by another 10 oz glass of water - that's a total of 20 oz of water.

Here is a sample chart: (Dates are just representing)

(The object is to clean colon out and start fresh)

September 20, 1999 Night Time Hours-Bed Time Chew Two Chocolate Exlax - with 20oz of Water.
September 21, 1999 Morning Two additional chocolate exlax - with 20oz of water
September 21, 1999 Evening Fiber Therapy begins - 20oz of water
September 22, 1999 All Day 9 teaspoons of fiber therapy with at least 120oz or more of water at 10oz interverals

The following day (next day) - please follow these steps exactly. There are 3 teaspoons in a tablespoon. Orange Metamucil or regular flavor.

The recommended dosage is 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. Let's spread this out through the day. Follow the chart exactly.

Based on Orange - recommended dosage of one tablespoonful- 3 times daily.

Morning 1 teaspoon of Metamucil mixed with 10oz of water followed by 10 oz of water Total 20oz
Mid Morning 1 teaspoon of Metamucil mixed with 10oz of water followed by 10 oz of water Total 20oz
Late Morning 1 teaspoon of Metamucil mixed with 10oz of water followed by 10 oz of water Total 20oz
Afternoon 1 teaspoon of Metamucil mixed with 10oz of water followed by 10 oz of water Total 20oz
Mid Afternoon 1 teaspoon of Metamucil mixed with 10oz of water followed by 10 oz of water Total 20oz
Late Afternoon 1 teaspoon of Metamucil mixed with 10oz of water followed by 10 oz of water Total 20oz
Early Evening 1 teaspoon of Metamucil mixed with 10oz of water followed by 10 oz of water Total 20oz
Mid Evening 1 teaspoon of Metamucil mixed with 10oz of water followed by 10 oz of water Total 20oz
Bedtime 1 teaspoon of Metamucil mixed with 10oz of water followed by 10 oz of water Total 20oz

Try to arrange this so that you take one of the teaspoons at all meal times - right before you eat. This way the fiber mixes with food.

As always - eat plenty of vegetables with this fiber therapy.